Top Two Tips for Maintaining Healthy Joints!

When we think about the health of our joints, we think of them like worn-out tires on our car.

That is not the case. Most people don’t know that you can actually improve or maintain your Joint Health!

Two Exercises to Maintain Joint Health:

  1. Manage Inflammation - Managing Inflammation can significantly improve your joints! Primary care or precision medicine providers can run blood tests to determine if you have high inflammation. Research shows that nutrition plays a key role in inflammation and thus joint health. High inflammation contributes to pain and issues in joints. By eating a low inflammatory diet, you can actually improve your joint health

  2. Load Your Joints - Usually when our joints hurt we are recommended to rest. In fact, that is the opposite of what we should do! We want to exercise because the stress that comes from exercise promotes the improvement of joint health. At StrongerLife, you can learn specifically which exercises can safely load your joints to improve joint health!

Got questions about improving your joint health? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will respond as soon as possible!


Meet the Coach - Dianne Stamper


September 2022 Focus