StrongerLife Show 11: Using the “Talk Test”

How can you know you're working hard enough to get the most bang for your buck? The Talk Test!

This is a great test to use when working on your endurance. Research recommends that we move for 150 minutes per week at a Moderate Intensity OR 75 minutes per week at a Vigorous Intensity.

If you're like most people, you're asking what in the world does "Moderate" and "Vigorous" mean?! Here's how the Talk Test defines it:

  • Moderate Intensity: You can say a sentence in between breaths

  • Vigorous Intensity: You can only say a few words in between breaths

At StrongerLife, we often emphasize vigorous (or High) Intensity in our classes as it is more effective and time-efficient than moderate intensity.

So for many StrongerLife members, they're trying to work hard enough that they can only say a few words in between breaths. This ensures they're getting the most bang for their buck & seeing those Real-Life Results.

So next time you're out for a walk, run, or bike ride, try the talk test! See what type of intensity you're doing. You may be surprised by what you find!


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