StrongerLife Featured in The New York Times: Take the 30 Second Power Test

This is a potent article that highlights the NEED for power training as we age. Packed with ways to test your power and a recommended program to do at home...or just join StrongerLife!

The article delves into a less-explored yet crucial aspect of maintaining health as one ages—power. Often overshadowed by cardio, strength, and balance training, power, defined as the ability to apply force rapidly, plays a vital role in daily activities.

The loss of power, which occurs at a faster rate than strength, might go unnoticed until tasks become draining. The sit-to-stand test is suggested to gauge power, with specific targets for different age groups.

The article recommends exercises, particularly those involving weights, to restore or enhance power. It shares an inspiring story of StrongerLife Member, Beverly Coleman, who at 71- reclaimed her power and improved her overall well-being through fitness classes and gradual progression with weights. The importance of consistent power training for long-term health is subtly emphasized, inviting readers to explore the details in the full article.

Click here to read the full article and to subscribe to The New York Times!


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